There is no time to know yourself, because everyone is running like sheep.
If you do not run sheepishly, then in the eyes of society, government and family you are useless, idle, freeloader. And if you run, you become a stranger to yourself and forget what you are and why you are there.
entire system has been made in such a way that humans are unable to find time to know and understand themselves. And whatever work a person is doing sheepishly, what will he get in the end after doing all that?
the assurance that four people will
remember you after death remember after they die ?
The first thing is that no one remember if your name does not make anyone's politics shine, no one's business shines or no one gets any financial or other benefit.
society that worship freedom fighters themselves remain bowed before
the mafia Because by pretending to be worshipped, one gets power, one gets money and one gets praise. Gurus are also worshiped only because in their name many people's businesses are running, many people are getting employment, many people are able to feed themselves and their families. And if Guru 's market value was nothing, Guru 's name was not for sale, then Gurus too would have been forgotten just like people forget their ordinary parents.
Know yourself or believe in Guru, God, Allah?
The more we run towards others to know ourselves, the more they make us unfamiliar with ourselves. You expect your parents to show you the right path, but if they themselves are astray, how can they show you the right path?
They will tie you to guru will make your guru What will happen then?
The Guru will teach you only what he learned i.e. carrying the traditions and all those illusions designed to distance man from himself. That means worship, fasting, fasting, rituals, hymns, praises and salutations. And if those who did all this have not been able to know themselves till date, then how can they know religion
So the Guru leaves you as a member of the flock of sheep, then he has nothing to do with you. It doesn't matter to him whether you are living or dying. a modern guru and a school teacher, both make you unfamiliar with yourself. They don't want you to know yourself all your life. They would like you to forget yourself and remain lost in the praise and worship of the Guru appointed by them, God/Allah.
The entire social, religious and government system exists for the sole purpose of preventing a person from becoming familiar with himself. Everyone wants that never know yourself, believe only in Guru, God, Allah imposed by others, otherwise be called atheist or irreligious
Because if a person becomes familiar with himself, he will not be able to be frightened. Then he will not be shown the fear of death. Then it cannot be fought in the name of religion nor can it be instigated to support unrighteousness in the name of religion That is, an awakened person or a person familiar to him will not be able to be fooled.
Follow Your Own Path
Why should one follow or become a follower of someone else?
societies filled with the multitude of followers following them have not been able to oppose the mafias and robbers till date
When you have to live by keeping your eyes, ears and mouth closed on the principle of “I am happy, the world is happy”, then why not live in solitude, away from the crowd, in your own style?
It is natural for such questions to arise, when all the gurus, sects, organizations and sects are only creating crowds of slaves?
Such a crowd, which comes out on the streets for political or communal its mouth robbers and unrighteous people and lives on the principle of “If I am happy, the world is happy” by keeping eyes, ears and mouth closed?
Be it the sect of Buddha, Nanak, Osho or anyone else, today everyone has bowed down before the mafia and the robbers The one who is financially capable, is associated with political is associated with religious spiritual is afraid to open his mouth against the mafia But he listens to the stories of bravery and courage of his Gurus as if if he had got a chance, he would have made a bigger sacrifice than Guru
But what are you doing today?
With praise, kirtan, bhajan and jai-jai, the mafia is ruining the entire country, openly and shamelessly looting the citizens of the country, but no voice comes out in protest.
Then the question remains that when one mafias and robbers , then why does anyone need gurus?
Even animals and birds this work easily guru or reading any religious
Today we do not need such gurus and traditions, who teach us to live only on “I am happy, the world is happy” and who make us cowards and cowards. Because all this is not something to be learned from the gurus, the living being learns all this automatically the mafia doing slavery and devotion
Begin the journey of knowing yourself.
Because when you know yourself, only then will you understand the real meaning of life.