The ostentatious world of marriage and society: a reflection
In today's era, the race for materialism has affected our lives in such a way that we have gradually become less conscious about our intimacy and relationships. Especially in matters of marriage, the true affection and love that a married woman should have towards her parents and relatives has almost disappeared these days. Now before marriage they have to hide their feelings and act out to some extent, because society and parents to show off, they now feel themselves trapped in some trouble.
In today's time, where parents make their children a part of the education system social show and sheepishness This is the reason why children there never get a chance to express their real feelings. They are sent to far away hostels for studies and later stay away from their home town also for jobs The result is that children have to hide the problems and troubles arising in their minds from their parents, because they feel weak and incapable.
the society and the expectations of the parents dominate the hearts and minds of the children to such an extent that they start molding themselves into a harsh and stone-hearted person. Due to this they lose the sensitive and touchy part of themselves. The sorrow, pain, and tears disappear from their lives, and they are forced to live only a showy life, where even the laughter and jokes are fake.
All these incidents show that the race and materialistic mentality society has destroyed the feelings and thoughts of children. Now only a virtual display of laughter and happiness is left in his life, while his real inner self is lost somewhere.
~ stream flow ✍️