Great souls who taught humanity

| question Source . thoughts

Why are awakened and conscious people like Buddha, Osho, Socrates rare?

The truth is that within all of us there exists the quality of being awakened and conscious like Buddha, Osho, Socrates. But most of the people compromise and kill Buddha, Osho and Socrates. And those who do not compromise, most of them are made slaves of mafias and robbers by society, governments and…

| personality Source

“That is what it is—a temple of knowledge.”

INSIDE A derelict building of creaking staircases, unlit classrooms and dusty old books, Ghulam Mohammad Malik quietly keeps alive the memory of years gone by. In Jammu & Kashmir, a state wracked by communal divisions, the 72-year-old retired government teacher has been taking care of a school started by the Pandits. Malik considers it a temple,…
