nation and politics

Articles based on Politics and Nation

Varna system and caste system
| question politics thoughts

What is the difference between caste system and caste system?

It is difficult to tell how the caste system transformed into caste system and when the caste system transformed into casteism. But scholars who criticize the caste system blame Brahmins for spreading casteism. He believes that if there was no caste system, there would be no casteism. And these are the people of political/government caste…

What benefit do we get from your work?
| politics thoughts society

Skills that can be sold in the market today are called skills.

In today's world, the value of skill, its use and its value are seen to be different. In this system of society, where politicians who make statements and those who spread social discrimination get grants worth crores, it seems as if valuing true and honest efforts has been forgotten. This article is on this contradiction of society…

against truth
| question politics thoughts

Are social media community standards not against the truth?

Recently, Sarita Prakash ji's Facebook profile and page were suspended by Facebook. Received a message from Facebook that social media community standards have been violated, hence suspended. To reactivate the profile, either a copy of the passport has to be submitted as ID proof,…

shudra pravriti
| politics thoughts

What is the identity of a person of Shudra nature?

People of Shudra type lack discretion and intelligence, hence they are not able to differentiate between moral and immoral. They are under orders and only follow orders without deciding what is right or wrong. People of Shudra nature cannot do any work which requires prudence, intelligence and contemplation. If…

dharmsankat mein chunmun pardesi
| . Politics

Chunmun Pardesi in religious crisis

Chunmun Pardesi was sitting in the consultation room with his generals in deep consultation. Early in the morning, the ambassador of the Kauravas had invited him to participate in the war on their behalf in the Mahabharata war. In the evening, information was received about the arrival of the Pandavas' ambassador. So the advice going on was that the Kauravas…

bad to pay tax
| politics .

What do we get from society and governments in return for paying huge taxes, bribes, commissions and donations?

No matter what the society may be, it is not in favor of truth, justice and religion. The society is always on his side, which benefits him. And the one who benefits, he considers as his ideal and worthy of worship. This is the reason why the society has not been able to become moral, religious, virtuous and cultured till date and…

The world's most unsuccessful campaign
| politics thoughts

Jagriti Abhiyan is the world's most unsuccessful campaign.

Jagriti Abhiyan is a campaign which can be considered as the most unsuccessful campaign in the world. Do you know why? Because the one who awakens the world is called the cock and only after killing it the world gets peace. Because the leg piece of the juggler is considered the most delicious. The same fate awaits those who awaken...

The crowd can only be driven away by terrorizing it.
| . politics thoughts society

The crowd walks sheepishly without using wisdom and discretion.

It takes years to understand that we cannot change others, we can only change ourselves. Buddha could not change the Buddhists. Jesus could not convert Christians. Nanak could not convert the Sikhs. Kabir could not change the Kabir followers. Osho could not change the sannyasis. Morning…

All the governments of the world are slaves of mafias
| Politics

Have we come into this world only to serve and enslave the mafia?

Keanu Reeves was watching #JohnWick, a movie series by #KeanuReeves. John wants to free himself from the mafia world and live a normal life but his pet dog is killed by mafia goons and his house is vandalized and his car is stolen. To take revenge from the mafia...

society and ruler
| politics thoughts

Why do society and rulers remain against the awakened people?

The work of traditional sages, saints, ascetics, maulvis, priests and sects is to keep the society engaged in rituals, worship, fasting, fasting, bhajans and meditation. The job of politicians, actors and media is to divert the attention of the society from the real and serious problems. The work of educated degree holders is to loot and destroy the people and natural resources of their own country…

It is better to be completely alone than to be surrounded by a cheering crowd.
| ... . politics thoughts

It is better to be completely alone than to be surrounded by a cheering crowd.

Glory of power! Just got information that Paltu has again taken a revenge attack to gain power. I don't know how much is right or wrong because I don't believe Godi media news. But I definitely believe that power has its own importance. And now from personal experiences…

Bookish and practical knowledge are contradictory
| politics thoughts

Bookish and practical knowledge are contradictory

Bookish knowledge teaches that do not lie, do not be dishonest, do not betray, do not take bribe, oppose exploitation, injustice, oppression, do not become allies of those who loot the country and those who loot it… but when we come to the practical world. Then we find that bookish knowledge and practical knowledge are contradictory. Especially when…
