Sarita's thoughts

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**Playing with human health: The danger of hybrid tomatoes and its seriousness**

In today's fast-paced life, everyone is in a race to earn more profits and achieve things easily. Perhaps we are no longer able to imagine how far this addiction has taken us away from our nature and health. The most dangerous example is that of hybrid tomatoes, which are used wildly…

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**7 medicinal properties of marigold: Know how this flower can be beneficial in various diseases**

Marigold flower holds an important place in Indian civilization. It is not only a symbol of beauty but also a symbol of economic and health prosperity. Marigold, which is often recognized for its pleasant aroma and colorful flowers, is not only used as a decoration but also has medicinal properties. Ayurveda…

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| thoughts

The ostentatious world of marriage and society: a reflection

In today's era, the race for materialism has affected our lives in such a way that we have gradually become less conscious about our intimacy and relationships. Especially in matters of marriage, the true affection and love that a married woman should have towards her parents and relatives seems to be missing these days…

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exploitation of nature and agriculture

This article is a warning to humanity based on the exploitation of nature and agriculture. Nature and agriculture, the fundamental pillars of our life, are being exploited to the extreme. This exploitation is not only causing damage to the environment, but the condition of the farmers is also becoming miserable. Human beings have developed…

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Slavery to freedom: crisis of education and mentality

After independence, we acquired degrees in the name of education, but in the process we have become slaves physically, mentally, spiritually and economically. We have become such Nawabs that we did not even realize when our land was lost. Today many people in our country, whether they want to sleep…

energize your life
world Source

Energize your life: physical, mental, spiritual and financial growth

Physical, mental, spiritual and economic development are very important to energize your life. For this, do not be stingy in growing or buying natural vegetables, fruits and grains. This pure diet is essential for your overall development and is the offering of the Supreme Being who resides in your mind. True hard work…

vampire punjiwad

The danger looming over the politics and spirituality of vampire capitalism

In today's time, we all have seen how vampire capitalist politicians, pharma mafias and their brokers all over the world have taken humanity mentally hostage with the help of a sponsored epidemic. By making people clap, by pushing people into darkness in the name of religiosity, they wreaked havoc on their health and mentality…

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. politics

“Gana ke Tantra” transformed into slavery, is it the victory of freedom over the height of unrighteousness?

“Gana ke Tantra” is the victory of freedom over the height of unrighteousness, transformed into slavery! Slaves wearing the job belt of capitalism talk about freedom? How does the capitalist government system prey on humanity by tying it into slavery? God has created us in the independent system of nature and we are completely in harmony with nature.
